Two lovely but accidental run-ins with my book, Le Snob: Tailoring, this week. First I stumbled across it in my local bookshop in Peckham Rye, Review, though strangely in amongst the craft books and sewing guides. And then I found it is being stocked by the Waterstone’s around the corner from work, which is nice because I know the new owners make management select these things personally now. Apparently the manager liked the Moleskin-like format. Initially I could only see the whisky and champagne volumes in the Snob series, but it turned out Tailoring had been bumped up to the Christmas table. A nice gift it is too.
So if anyone wants a signed copy, the Ludgate Circus branch of Waterstone’s now has several. Don’t all rush at once.
Still no love for the Americans I take it?
We are selling the book very well at Henry Bucks in Australia (Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and online at and it features in our “Christmas Book”
There are American booksellers that sell the book through Amazon with shipping of only $4.
We are selling the book so well we have had to re-order. New delivery due 23rd November @ Henry Bucks.