Our first Hong Kong Symposium – please RSVP

Friday, February 22nd 2019
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Continuing our attempts to bring the Symposium format to more people around the world, we will be coming to Hong Kong at the end of next month - on March 26th.

We plan to discuss the role of China in modern consumption and luxury, which should be really interesting.

Please put the date in the diary, and RSVP when you can. We will have slightly less space than usual and don't want to have to turn anyone away. The address is [email protected]

I look forward to seeing everyone



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Morning Simon,
Regarding comments a few weeks ago re commercial relationships with artisans/ producers – do you always disclose these as it would be very important for your readers?

You mentioned Salva having to pay €400 for “travel expenses” but I also heard 100Hands had financed your trip to India.

Having spoken with other people in the industry about this subject to which you seem better than most – some would feel that you should be paying for your own expenses – even if it’s understand you’re rather disinclined to do this.

A good example – “Lunch with FT” each FT Weekend – the rule is that the FT has to pay then lunch…

Derek Chan

Hi Simon, any chance this Symposium event will be recorded like the others? Always a great deal of interesting and thought-provoking discussion at these.


HI Simon,

I sent an email to the day you made the post, but I have not heard back from them. Is this normal?

Thank you.