In case anyone’s interested, I’m selling a few lovely things on eBay over the next few weeks – essentially ready-to-wear jackets or suits from Kilgour, Ralph Lauren Purple Label or others that have had to make way for bespoke. They’re great pieces and it’s been hard to let them go, but I’d much rather they went to a loving home.

Up at the moment is a gorgeous Kilgour grey jacket in a donegal tweed. Half lined, with horn buttons and hand work through the lining and sleeve attachment etc, it is a fine example of Carlo Brandell’s work from a few years ago. Great from the transition to Spring.

Next week there will be a Ralph Lauren grey/green suit, followed by a cashmere jacket.

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I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who has a wife that forces me to sell old stuff to make way for all the new stuff. 🙂

Roger v.d. Velde

And you’ll be signing it on the inside label of course? Now that you’re a famous internet style chappie?


Perhaps one day you might indulge your readers with a shot of your closet — shoes included–?


In general terms, what size off-the-peg do you wear? –So we will know if it hopeless (or not) to entertain buying. Thanks. –John


Donegal is now safe in my closet. Love the fabric, white slubs give a bit more pop to the look. I always thought of loud starry night Donegals as being very in line with Brandellis style. Would love to find one of these in Navy as well.

Do you use any scented woods or whatnot in your closet storage? I am trying to place a certain scent on the jacket that I have come across before.